Proudly contributing to the decline of civilization in Middle Georgia!
The Middle Georgia Hash House Harriers & Harriettes (MGH4) and the Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday Hash House Harriers (W3H3) are your local branches of the world-wide "DRINKING CLUB WITH A RUNNING PROBLEM."
Anyone who wants to have some fun, drink some beer, and get a bit of exercise, can put on his or her running shoes and meet us for the next trail. There is no formal membership, and we encourage new people to come out and join us.
We normally run every other week on Saturday around 2 PM and most Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Afterwards, we often meet for dinner at a local restaurant.
Virgins (First time hashers) pay $5.00 for their first hash, but then the second hash with that same club is free. Thereafter the price is a measly $5.00 for all the beer (or soft drinks/water) snacks and general camaraderie you can stand. (Please drink responsibly.)
All it takes to be a hasher is a good sense of humor, and an interest in the outdoors. You definitely do not need to be a great runner.
Sound like fun? Want to know more? Check out the "What's Hashing?" button above. Then when you've made up your mind to come, click the "Next Hash" button to see where our next hash will start. Sometimes the start isn't posted until the day before the hash, so please check often.